"I have no idea what this dream could possibly mean. I'm open for any suggestions. E-mail me your ideas, I would love to hear them."  Jake Yanes

print this dream

©2001 david mulhern



......I am about twelve years old and I'm standing behind the scenes of a Buckeye Hawks football game. Only the behind the scenes it seems like the NFL. There are a lot of people hustling everywhere and wearing those silly headphones that football people wear. 

There is a little girl near me. She is a pretty blonde girl about my age. She seems to be keeping some kind of score, but it has nothing to do with the game. She tells me that my brother is playing well and that she is glad I came. She then turns to meet Coach LaFevers and says something to him that I can not hear. 

He replies, "Good. Give Jake two points." Then he moved on. And for some reason I decide to leave the game. 

My house is only about five blocks from the stadium and I begin to walk home. Only, the house I'm headed to I haven't lived in for years. And I don't think anyone is home. In fact, I begin to picture the house laden with overgrowth and swampy soil. 

Then, as I finally reach the house, I see that I was right, It's a swampy, dark and dismal place, ridden with lizards and moss. And as I approach closer, I see something slither in the water, near a the trail to the mailbox. I know what it is. It's a green anaconda. The biggest snake in the world. 

I get nervous, but then I remember all the nature shows I watched and convince myself that the snake is a docile creature, and I have nothing to fear. So I begin to walk down the path by the snake. 

As I pass the snake on the left it suddenly leaps out of the water and attacks me. Like lightning the thing attaches it's whole head to my left forearm, sinking it's teeth into my flesh. I feel no pain, but I'm scared to death. I know that if this thing wraps me up I'm in deep shit. So I grab its head, tear him off my forearm, and toss him aside. 

Miraculously, I'm still not bleeding, so I begin to get some ground and step away from the snake. But then I turn around to meet him as he is slithering towards me aggressively. Somehow I end up finding some sort of cloth or tarp to throw on top of it. It blinds the snake temporarily and I jump on him. 

I'm on the ground with snake and I grab it by the base of it's head before it could bite me again. I am struggling to hold the snakes mouth away and still be able to stand up. I do. And as I finally gain my footing and take the upper hand, it slides out of my hand and slithers away in to the water. 

I wake up.......

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Date: 07.24.01
A football stadium and a swampy house.
Characters: Coach LaFevers, a little girl, me, and a big fuckin snake.

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