"Who the hell know what this one was! the only significance was the eastern religion aspect of the dream, but even then, was still a ways of coarse from the 'real world'. The only thing that could possibly have any subconscious significance is the penance for the 'test failure'. But I'm clueless on that one, as well. I'm up for any suggestions!" Jake Yanes

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©2001 david mulhern



.......I have taken a long journey to Tibet to visit ancient temples and places of worship of eastern religions (ironically a hobby of mine in the real world). 

I come across this particular Buddhist temple that seems too grandiose on the outside, but as i stair in the doorway, it becomes very plain and hut like (think Yoda's place. for big people). I am intrigued by it and begin to walk in when I am bumped from the right. 

It is Steven Segal. Not your neighbor down the street Steven Segal, but the actual martial artist/bad actor Steven Segal. He is dressed in Monk attire and is ridden of beads and relics. I greet him as if it is second nature, and enter the temple with him. 

The first main room is filled with monks, who are sitting in meditation. Unmoving. I don't remember if i asked or if someone just told me, but I find out that they are in penance for some sort of test that they have failed, and they are to remain in this state until that penance is fulfilled. And I believe I was under the impression that it could be never. So, we move on. 

in the next room was what seemed to be a gathering of family members that no doubt run this strange temple. Here, Steven and I sit to join them for dinner and tea.....

......the dream somehow skips to an even more bizarre state as I find myself watching Steven Segal and his wife ( I have no idea who she was) hang-glide (yes, hang-glide) above the temple. Cheering and laughing......

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Locations: a bad neighborhood
Characters: my girlfriend and I

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