"I have NEVER died in my dreams. I've fallen from deathly heights. Been shot in the head (now the stomach). I've been stabbed, and even eaten whole, but I have never died. 

I have no idea what significance this dream holds for me, but I found the idea of death very amusing within it. First I thought I had overcome any fear of death because of my reaction to it. Instead of crying or gasping, I claimed I knew it was coming all along. But then, I thought of all the times I've cheated death in my dreams. And how it WAS indeed scaring me in this one, until the end. 

I feel that perhaps my fear of death is so present in my subconscious, that I won't allow myself to die in my dreams. Maybe it reveals a false sense of immortality within me. Some of my spiritual beliefs would support this, and I think it might be path I'll have to force myself to travel." Jake Yanes

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©2001 david mulhern



...........I am part of organized crime. My two bosses (of face but no name) have relayed to me that I am to commit a "hit" on someone later on. 

I am waiting for them at an old house, in a run down neighborhood, along with my girlfriend Melanie, who is aware of my peon position. For some reason, I become paranoid and begin to believe that my bosses are actually going to kill me! 

I begin to freak out when Melanie calms me down. I do calm down, and finally come to my senses (if there is such a thing). I say to myself "I can't run, and I've done nothing wrong. Just accept whatever happens." 

So, we wait. 

I think a few days pass, but I'm not quite sure. Eventually my bosses return. They pull up in their car and begin to get out. For some reason, I fell perfectly comfortable with the situation and I notice a second car behind them, beginning to pull up. 

Suddenly, two men popped out of the car quickly as if to make a "hit", but I step forward with my hand out like a traffic guard and tell them to halt. And they do! I then turn around and find myself staring at the open end of a pistol in one of my bosses hands. He is about to shoot, and the last thing a say is, "I knew it!" POW! 

The gun goes off and I feel the bullet hit my stomach. There was no pain, but it felt as if I had lost my stomach. As on a roller coaster. I fell to the ground, I think on purpose, not necessarily from the wound, and the last thing I remember was telling myself to act dead so they wouldn't shoot me in the head, and I might survive. Then, I woke up.

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Locations: a bad neighborhood
Characters: my girlfriend and I

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