"Nothing to say... If you can come up with a title, please tell me." David Mulhern

print this dream

©2001 david mulhern



I was in a building. An old apartment building in a bad part of town it seemed. It had an enormous number of stories. I was in a room with some people I seemed to know. There was a bed there.

Rains drops were coming in from the ceiling. A slow, quiet, perfect grid of raindrops. It was as if the ceiling was the clouds. I wanted to cover up everything in the room that mattered to me, but by the time I did... they stopped. 

I went out to the front of the building. It felt like California. It was late in the day. The sun was slowly going down.

Suddenly, I'm in a cart with a girl racing down the streets. She was sitting in my lab. There was another girl running along side the cart. It seemed odd to us that we were in a cart racing down the street.

The girl and I were talking about drummers and she asked me if I'd completed the favor she asked me to do earlier. I told her I called my brother about the drumming position.

We started towards the on ramp to the freeway. I mentioned that we'd better not get n the freeway in this cart. The girl laughed. I tried to feel our speed, it seemed we would be able to keep up with the cars, but I knew it wouldn't be safe.

We drove off the road into an area with strange streets. The sun had gone down and the streets were lit dimly in reds from twisted lamps lining the oddly laid out streets.

It was a double lane highway that twisted and turned all over this really hilly landscape. But the streets were paved black which made it seem almost normal.

We started driving on one of the streets in the cart when I realized it was a freeway. I yelled for him to get off. I was interrupted by a loud noise and a white flash and a ton of screaming voices as two headlights coasted toward us.

I jumped off the road and yelled for everyone to watch out... The car drove by and we realized it was a roller coaster.

I felt the ground. The strange twisted roads lining the hills around me were set into a strange spongy material which felt almost like a wet asphalt. 

In the dim light of the setting sun, I turned around and realized that we were surrounded by kids. Some sitting on the road. Some walking around looking for things. I felt uncomfortable. I felt they would steal from us. Or kill us.

One of them noticed us and talked to us. He decided to take us into the place where he stayed... It was where they all lived. Under the ground...

Inside, there were couches and lights on the tables. It felt like a cheap run-down apartment. We sat down. The strange dirty kids were walking around us, talking to us. Everyone seemed nice but I didn't trust anyone.

At one point the lights were off. I walked over to the table in the corner and switched on the light. I realized I only had my boxers on. I realized there were still others in the room and I asked if I could go look for the cart.

He looked at me weird. I explained, "You know the area... I was only wondering if it was safe for me to go find the cart." He reacted strangely. Physically, he was smiling... but deep down... something strange. I felt uneasy.

As everyone watched, I walked over to the couch and sat in the corner and put my head down and tried to fall asleep.

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Date: 09.26.99

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