"So abstract. This was like a cartoon. It should be a cartoon. Holding on to that chicken's legs... one of the stranger things I've done..." David Mulhern

print this dream

©2001 david mulhern



The cobblestone road ahead was strange to me... This felt like a different time. The girl with the two guys had spotted me. I'd been following her. I was in disguise. It was getting dark.

The two guys next to me were arguing. One of them was arguing the bird on the front of their cart would fly them away. But the other one told him not to worry, it only crows when the sun is up. 

My sister looked at me... she was surprised and ran back to the cart. We were in danger. I pushed the cart into the sunlight.

The moment the bird caught the sun it started flying. We grabbed onto its legs as it flew away. One of the guys tried to grab onto my sister's legs, but I kept kicking him in the face until he fell to the ground.

We were flying over houses. Amazingly detailed houses, looking for something. Somewhere to hide. The houses were so detailed. I can remember a few of them. There was a strange feeling in the air. It felt like I was living the past. I could tell one of the houses was empty.

Parts of the roof were missing. You could see through the house. It was as if the construction of the house was abandoned in the middle. It was where I wanted the chicken to land.

But the chicken didn’t land there. We came to a stop at some other roof, and the chicken was tired, and it left us there. It didn’t even occur to me that the chicken had a say in whether or not it would fly us around. So it left.

We jumped in the pool. Off the roof into the pool...

The boy who lived there was home. But he didn’t call the police. Dumb kid thought we were inter-dimensional sliders. Or aliens.

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Date: 05.08.99

Locations: a strange land in the past, suburbia

two unknown guys, my sister, a kid

you are welcome here