Sam Holmes

print this dream

©2001 david mulhern



My grandma, brother, girlfriend, and I are in a pure white room. The room is lined with people sitting on folding chairs. In the back right corner there is a one sided window. 

I’m right next to the door. The door opens with a burst of blinding light; I can’t see anything but can hear screams of pure horror and suffering. 

The door closes, two army officers walk in, they grab the first person and take him out the door, they come in and out taking person after person working their way around the room. Each time the door opens I can hear the same terrifying noises. 

Their down to my grandma now, they grab her, she struggles with them. One of the officers takes a syringe out of his pocket.

I jump out of my chair and slam him against the wall. Another office grabs a syringe and stabs it into my grandma’s neck. 

She slides down the wall and sits limply on the floor.

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Date: 7.29.01

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