"When I described the dream to my friend he thought it meant that the third bomb killed me. But I never thought so. As far as I knew the bomb didn't land anywhere near me. I just wanted to know where it hit so I could have closure on the whole issue. He also asked if I had seen T2 recently, and the answer was and is still no. I haven't seen that movie for years." Lance Turk

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©2001 david mulhern



I don't remember the start of the dream. Something outside of my house caught my attention. I went out to the porch and looked around. Suddenly the earth growled and shook. I thought it was an earthquake. I dropped to the ground and covered my head. The sounds of a massive explosion roared through the air. I could see the flames all around me. I thought to myself it had to be a nuclear explosion.

I was still alive, and in pretty good condition. I crawled into my house and thought about what happened. I figured that the bomb had to be in NY. That's why I was still alive. I was lying on the floor of my living room when I felt the earth shake again. But the explosion felt much farther away. Just a faint rumble.

I think I fell asleep after that. I came to a few days later still on the floor. I made my way to the basement and switched on the computer. I needed to find out what happened, so I signed on to the newsgroups to get the news (yeah right.) I was embarrassed when I saw all the porn groups tagged in my reader. I think someone from my family was with me at the time. I pretended like I didn't see the obviously labeled porn groups and went right to the news section.

It stated that 3 bombs went off. One in NY just like I thought, another in Scotland, and I couldn't get any info on the third bomb.

At that point a friend of mine from school showed up. I asked him if he knew anything about the last bomb. He just laughed his large and hefty laugh. I kept asking him about it with more and more authority, but he just laughed louder and more merrily. That's when I woke up.

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Date: 2000

my porch, living room, and basement

Locations: me, some family members, a friend from school

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